This paper reports the advantages and disadvantages in applying an ODBMS (O
bject-oriented database management system) and an ORDBMS (Object relational
database management system) to INFOVISER's Object management scheme, a vis
ual data analysis tool that we have been researching and developing. This p
aper also surveys a DBMS called LiteObject, which solves the main problems
found in existing DBMSs, such as the complexity of implementing a versionin
g procedure and performance problems in loading a large number of instances
. LiteObject offers version management based on constraints that exclude ch
eck in/out procedures from the application source code which decreases the
degree of complexity. In addition, LiteObject offers a bulk loading interfa
ce to applications and manages several instances in one container. This red
uces the amount of processing by removing identical steps in the process of
inserting instances and adding instances to a collection type attribute. (
C) 1999 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.