Partially oriented and highly textured diamond films on Si(111) substrates
were achieved by hot-filament chemical vapor deposition(HFCVD). High nuclea
tion density greater than 5 x 10(8) cm(-2) was realized in 3 min by near-su
rface glow discharge. The as-grown films were characterized. by scanning el
ectron microscopy (SEM), X-ray diffraction(XRD) and Raman spectroscopy. It
was found that by adding a small amount of oxygen to the mixture of CH4/H-2
, the appearance of facet(111) was well controlled, and the secondary nucle
ation on the facet(111) was suppressed greatly. Growth feature of homoepita
xy on diamond(111) surface was demonstrated to be in Stranski-Krastanov mod
el by SEM.