The spectral and temporal processes in broadband pulsed-laser emissions of
near-infrared dyes generated from low-Q and short laser cavities have been
investigated with a rate equation model extended to a multiwavelength analy
sis. A very fast spectral evolution is proved, and this leads to the intrin
sic presence of a single short pulse on the short-wavelength wing of the br
oadband IR dye laser spectrum.
From the results, the direct generation of picosecond (approximate to 90 ps
) infrared dye-laser pulses adjustable in the 700-850 nm spectral range is
successfully demonstrated with spectre-temporal selection, in a compact and
simple device, using: a nitrogen laser (337.1 nm, 8 ns) or a e-switched ru
by laser (694.3 nm, 25 ns) as a pumping source.