Let {(X-i, parallel to.parallel to(i))}(i is an element of I), be an arbitr
ary family of normed spaces and let (E, parallel to.parallel to(E)) be a mo
notonic normed space of real functions on the set I that is an ideal in R-I
. We prove a sufficient condition for the direct sum space E(X-i) to be uni
formly rotund in a direction. We show that this condition is also necessary
for E = l(proportional to), and it is not necessary for E = l(1). When E i
s either uniformly rotund in every direction and has compact order interval
s, or weakly uniformly rotund respect to its evaluation functionals we rees
tablish as a corollary the result that reads: E(X-i) is uniformly rotund in
every direction if and only if so are all the X-i.