High-speed, wide-area networks have made it both possible and desirable to
interconnect geographically distributed lections of scientific data, remote
scientific instruments, and high-performance computer systems.
Historically, performance analysis has focused on monolithic applications e
xecuting on large, stand-alone, parallel systems. In such a domain, measure
ment, postmortem analysis, and code optimization suffice to eliminate perfo
rmance bottlenecks and optimize applications.
Distributed visualization, data mining, and analysis tools allow scientists
to collaboratively analyze and understand complex phenomena. Likewise, rea
l-time performance measurement and immersive performance display systems-th
at is, systems providing large stereoscopic displays of complex data-enable
collaborating groups to interact with executing software, tuning its behav
ior to meet research and performance goals.
To satisfy these demands, the authors designed Virtue, a prototype system t
hat integrates collaborative, immersive performance visualization with real
-time performance measurement and adaptive control of applications on compu
tational grids. These tools enable physically distributed users to explore
and steer the behavior of complex software in real time and to analyze and
optimize distributed application dynamics.