Pm. Natishan et al., Corrosion behavior of some transition metals and 4340 steel metals exposedto sulfate-reducing bacteria, CORROSION, 55(11), 1999, pp. 1062-1068
Microbial colonization of metals (zirconium chromium, niobium tantalum, mol
ybdenum, tungsten, and type 4340 steel [UNS G43400]) and susceptibility of
these metals to microbiologically influenced corrosion by sulfate-reducing
bacteria was investigated Environmental scanning electron microscopy charac
terization after 12 months and 21 months showed patchy biofilms on all meta
ls except tungsten. Weight loss after 24 months for zirconium and niobium w
ere either nonexistent or negligible, indicating that these metals did not
experience MIC under the test conditions.