the purpose of this study is to summarize the accumulated state of knowledg
e in the area of diabetes patient education research and highlight importan
t issues that research has left unanswered.
An integrative literature review was conducted on the topic of diabetes pat
ient education between the years 1985 and 1998. Keywords used in the comput
erized search were diabetes mellitus, patient education, health education,
research, and behavior change. The databases searched were MEDLINE, CINAHL,
HealthSTAR, EMBASE, and CHID-HE. A total of 78 papers were reviewed
Most studies lacked a theoretical framework and the majority of studies wer
e conducted in an outpatient setting. HbA(1c) was the most frequently emplo
yed outcome measure, with little, if any description of the interventions.
Much has beell learned in terms of the effectiveness of diabetes education
on improving knowledge. However other topic areas and outcomes need further