While medical audit in infection control today is one important element in
the quality assurance of health care, environmental auditing, approved in 1
993 by the Council of the European Communities for the industrial sector, s
o far has not been used as a tool to control and reduce environmental pollu
tion caused by medical care. The aim of this study was to investigate wheth
er environmental auditing according to the European Eco-Management and Audi
t Scheme (EMAS) can be implemented in hospitals as a process of improvement
in protection of the environment. In a prior publication the methodologica
l issues and the organizational steps that had to be taken were described.
An environmental review of the activities of the Freiburg University Hospit
al and an ecoanalysis of the input and output were performed. The results o
f this analysis, published in an environmental report, provide a fundamenta
l data set for the consumption of energy, water, materials, and the burdens
of major pollutants and waste. Regarding the organizational structure of t
he hospital, the first steps towards an integrating environmental managemen
t system as demanded by EMAS could be taken. Beside supporting advantages,e
.g., improvement of environmental safety, public image and staff contentmen
t, and potential economic benefits such as less cost to be paid for energy
and water consumption, there are important restrictions of environmental au
diting in hospitals. Examples are the lack of basic environmental data, sta
ff motivation (especially of physicians), cooperation of the organizational
substructures, and funds for prefinancing urgently needed improvements in
ecology. Based on the study findings, a textbook on environmental auditing
in hospitals, including checklists covering all important environmental obj
ectives, has been published to support hospitals in their efforts to achiev
e an optimized and sustainable practice of providing health care.