Objective: to assess the predictivity of clinical variables in patients wit
h chronic critical leg ischaemia (CLI).
Design: observational prospective cohort study.
Methods: the i.c.a.i. (ischemia critica degli arti inferiori) trial databas
e was used to assess the impact of patients' history, cardiovascular risk,
manifestations of the disease and specific invasive and pharmacological int
erventions on mortality, amputation rate and persistence of CLI.
Results: of 1560 patients, 298 died within one year; at six months 187 were
amputees and 746 still suffered front CLI. Prior major vascular events dou
bled the risk of dying within one year. Previous revascularisation was asso
ciated with a lower mortality, but also with a higher probability of amputa
tion. Among cardiovascular risk factors, only diabetes affected prognosis,
in terms of increased mortality and lower probability of recovery front CLI
. Patients with tissue loss had a higher amputation rate and less probabili
ty gf recovery. Ankle pressure was predictive of mortality and amputation o
nly when unmeasurable. Patients requiring revascularisation had better chan
ces of recovering from CLI, but not of longer term survival or limb salvage
compared to those in whom surgery was deemed unnecessary. Antiplatelet dru
gs caused resolution of CLI and decreased the amputation rate by about 1/3,
while the advantage of the test treatment (alprostadil-alpha-cyclodextrine
) was confined to CLI resolution only:
Conclusions: this study documents the high mortality and heterogeneity of p
atients with CLI. It provides stratification criteria for reliably estimati
ng the achievable benefit in routine practice and for clinical trials.