Im. Johnson, PEERING INTO THE MIST AND STRUGGLING THROUGH IT - THE EDUCATION AND TRAINING OF THE FUTURE INFORMATION PROFESSIONAL, Journal of librarianship and information science, 29(1), 1997, pp. 3-7
Article prompted by an editorial published in Education for Informatio
n, 14, (2) July 1996, 83-4. Outlines some of the responses being made
by library schools to changes affecting the library and information sc
ience (LIS) profession, including: changes in the place of information
in society; availability and sophistication of information technology
; changing nature of the information and communication industry; and t
he added complexities that these have brought to the task of maintaini
ng and developing information services. Focuses on UK library schools'
activities aimed at: updating their curricula and courses to develop
the necessary technical competencies; planning for the growing needs o
f management and leadership skills; determining how best LIS practitio
ners can assist.