Increased manufacturing yields can be obtained by reducing process variatio
n, One potential method to achieve lower process variance is through interp
rocess feedforward control. During feedforward control, a process recipe is
adjusted to compensate for measured input deviations. The potential benefi
ts of feedforward control include reduced run-to-run variance, rework, and
scrap. Feedforward control has been used often in manufacturing, Howe ver,
there are two problematic issues associated with feedforward recipe adjustm
ent: 1) there is noise in the measurement tool and adjusting for inaccurate
measurements could increase the variance and 2) it is difficult to alter o
ne parameter in a manufacturing process without worsening other key paramet
ers. In this paper, we will address both issues using a systems approach, M
easurement noise poses a significant threat to the success of feedforward c
ontrol. If the measurement noise is sufficiently large, the variance under
feedforward control could exceed:the variance with no control. To address t
his concern, we have integrated statistics theory into the feedforward cont
roller design. This detunes the recipe adjustment based on the confidence i
n the accuracy of the sensor, These algorithms have the effect of filtering
the noise from the measurement tool. In order to address the problem of al
tering one parameter without adversely affecting others, one can use a feed
forward controller that selects a recipe from within a predefined set of al
lowable qualified recipes, We call this feedforward recipe selection contro
l (FRSC), We have developed a design methodology for this type of controlle
r, Preliminary versions of our design algorithms have been implemented into
a graphical user interface (GUI)-based computer-aided design (CAD) environ
ment, This interactive software package guides the engineer through the des
ign of feedforward controllers using process data as inputs.