Targeted disruption of either of the B cell-specific transcription factors
Oct-2 or OCA-B/BOB-1/OBF-1 dramatically affects B cell terminal differentia
tion. The 3' enhancer of immunoglobulin heavy chain (IgH) locus is importan
t for transcription of the locus in terminal plasma cells. Allele-specific
suppression of mutant Oct-2 binding sites in this enhancer by a variant Oct
-2 protein revealed that in a mature B cell line this enhancer was specific
ally dependent upon Oct-2, as contrasted to the closely related Oct-1 trans
cription factor. Phosphorylation of the Oct-2 protein was important for thi
s activation and was synergistic for coactivation by the OCA-B factor. Thes
e results indicate that Oct-2 and OCA-B interact with the 3' enhancer in re
gulation of the IgH locus during B cell activation.