An allene-doped liquid al argon ionization chamber with a sensitive volume
of 48 mm x 48 mm x 40 min has been constructed and investigated for precise
measurement of the heavy ion energies at around 100 MeV/n. An energy resol
ution of 1% (full width at half maximum [FWHM]) was achieved for the 99 MeV
/n O-16 and 125 MeV/n Ne-20 ion beams. However, the energy resolution was f
ound to deteriorate as the beam intensity increased. To understand this phe
nomenon, a simple model is proposed, in which a space-charge electric field
due to the positive ions left along the track of an incident ion is taken
into consideration. The estimated electric field is strong enough to worsen
the energy resolution when the incident beam intensity is only 100 particl