Cryptogein is a 98-amino acid proteinaceous elicitor of tobacco defense rea
ctions. Specific binding of cryptogein to high affinity binding sites on to
bacco plasma membranes has been previously reported (K-d = 2 nM; number of
binding sites: 220 fmol/mg of protein). In this study, biochemical characte
rization of cryptogein binding sites reveals that they correspond to a plas
ma membrane glycoprotein(s) with an N-linked carbohydrate moiety, which is
involved in cryptogein binding. Radiation inactivation experiments performe
d on tobacco plasma membrane preparations indicated that cryptogein bound s
pecifically to a plasma membrane component with an apparent functional mole
cular mass of 193 kDa. Moreover, using the homobifunctional cross-linking r
eagent disuccinimidyl suberate and tobacco plasma membranes incubated with
I-125-cryptogein, we identified, after SDS-polyacrylamide gel electrophores
is and autoradiography, two I-125-cryptogein linked N-glycoproteins of abou
t 162 and 50 kDa. Similar results were obtained using Arabidopsis thaliana
and Acer pseudoplatanus plasma membrane preparations, whereas cryptogein di
d not induce any effects on the corresponding cell suspensions. These resul
ts suggest that either cryptogein binds to nonfunctional binding sites, hom
ologues to those present in tobacco plasma membranes, or that a protein inv
olved in signal transduction after cryptogein recognition is absent or inac
tive in both A. pseudoplatanus and A. thaliana.