THIS study investigated whether transplantation of fetal raphe tissue
into genetically epilepsy-prone rats (GEPR-3s) would reduce the severi
ty of seizures previously exacerbated by depletion of brain serotonin.
Mild-seizure GEPR-3s were depleted of brain serotonin by 5,7-dihydrox
ytryptamine (DHT) and evaluated for seizure severity. Rats then receiv
ed 15-day fetal raphe tissue, fetal neocortical tissue or were sham gr
afted. GEPR-3s treated with 5,7-DHT showed increased seizure severity
following depletion of serotonin and subsequent reductions in severity
as a result of fetal raphe transplantation. Sham- or neocortex-grafte
d rats maintained elevated seizure severity scores throughout the stud
y. Prominent raphe or cortical grafts were observed within the third v
entricle of GEPRs at autopsy. These findings show that transplantation
of fetal raphe tissue promotes lasting reductions in increased seizur
e severity resulting from depletion of serotonin in the GEPR brain.