F. Bierschenk et al., THE BEHAVIOR OF INDIVIDUALLY KEPT FEMALE BREEDER GEESE .2. DIURNAL OFSOME BEHAVIORAL-PATTERNS, Archiv fur Geflugelkunde, 61(1), 1997, pp. 23-27
Investigations were made to get some basically informations about diur
nal behaviour of domesticated geese - in this fact of individually kep
t geese. Videoobservations were realized with female animals, kept in
boxes (70 x 150 cm) littered with straw. The geese were in their secon
d year of reproduction. In most of observed behavioural patterns there
could be shown a quite high level of activity during 14 hours of dark
ness. Food intake e.g. could be registered more frequented during nigh
t than during time of illumination. Diurnal concentrations of activiti
es had been especially in care of plumage (noon, beginning of darkness
), nibbling at objects besides straw and food (morning, afternoon, fir
st half of night), motionless sitting (first half of night) and motion
less standing (the very end of darkness). Investigations about geese b
ehaviour should be repeated with geese kept in groups, because detaile
d knowledge about the behaviour will lead to improved geese management