Viral epiglottitis (supraglottitis) is a rare entity but its presentation c
an mimic that of bacterial epiglottis, Regardless of the causative agent, s
upraglottitis is a serious disease mostly affecting children and rarely see
n in adults. Early suspicion and proper evaluation are mandatory to prevent
a life-threatening crisis, In both children and adults the infectious aeti
ology in supraglottitis is predominantly bacterial while viruses are rare,
especially in adults. We describe a case of supraglottitis in an adult in w
hich the symptoms were insidious and blood indices suggested a bacterial ae
tiology However, laryngoscopic examination revealed an ulcer over the left
aryepiglottic fold and serology was positive for Herpes simplex virus (HSV)
IgM, Because supraglottitis due to HSV is a rare entity with few reported
cases in the literature, this case is presented to highlight the viral invo
lvement in this disease and its management. (C) The British Infection Socie