Objective: Balance disturbances are some of the most common symptoms among
the clinical manifestations of chronic myeloproliferative disorders (MPDs)
with a high platelet count, such as essential thrombocythaemia (ET) and pol
ycythaemia vera (PV). In this study, we evaluated the vestibulo-oculomotor
and vestibulospinal reflexes in a group of patients suffering from these di
Design: Evaluation of balance disturbances.
Setting: Department of Neurosciences, ENT Unit, University of Pisa, Italy.
Method: In this study, we evaluated 43 patients suffering from ET and PV wh
o underwent otoneurologic examination, based on a study of the vestibulo-oc
ulomotor and vestibulospinal reflexes.
Results: There was exclusive central vestibular involvement in 26 cases (60
.4%), peripheral and central signs were associated in 8 cases (18.6%), and
the involvement was purely peripheral in 1 patient. In six patients (14%),
the otoneurologic examination revealed no alterations.
Conclusions: The high percentage of balance disorders in cases of ET and PV
probably depends upon disorders of the microcirculation due to platelet dy
sfunction. We also postulate a full explanation of the involvement of the c
entral vestibular system on the basis of a greater availability of central
activated serotonin acting as neuromediator.