The electron transfer kinetics of mixed-valence systems is studied via solv
ing the eigenstructure of the two-state nonadiabatic diffusion operator for
a wide range of electronic coupling constants and energy bias constants. T
he calculated spectral structure consists of three branches in the eigendia
gram: a real blanch corresponding to exponential or multiexponential decay,
and two symmetric branches corresponding to population oscillations betwee
n donor and acceptor states. The observed electronic coherence is shown as
a result of underdamped Rabi oscillations in an overdamped solvent environm
ent. The time evolution of electron population is calculated by applying th
e propagator constructed from the eigensolution to the nonequilibrium initi
al preparation, and it agrees perfectly with the result of a direct numeric
al propagation of the density matrix. The resulting population dynamics con
firms that increasing the energy bias destroys electronic coherence.