When Au:SR cluster compounds (R = (CH2)(5)CH3) with an Au metallic cluster
core mass of similar to 14 kDa (similar to 75 atoms, 1.1 nm equivalent diam
eter), are heated in neat dodecane-thiol solution under inert atmosphere, s
pecies with smaller Au core masses are formed, presumably by the removal of
Au atoms from the outermost surface layer of the cluster's Au core. This p
rocess was monitored through laser desorption mass spectrometry, optical ab
sorption spectroscopy, and X-ray diffraction, where all three methods indic
ate a substantial decrease (>50%, by mass or number of Au atoms) in the siz
e of the cluster compound's inorganic core. The optical absorption spectra
and laser desorption mass spectra of the compounds generated by etching are
strikingly similar to compounds previously separated without an etching st
ep. The dual function of the thiol as both stabilizing adsorbate and effici
ent etchant sets this cluster (or nanocrystal) system apart from other meta
llic and semiconductor systems.