In particle or short-fiber reinforced composites, cracking or debonding of
the reinforcements is a significant damage mode because the damaged reinfor
cements lose load carrying capacity. This paper deals with a theory of the
reinforcement damage in discontinuously-reinforced composites and its appli
cation. The composite with progressive cracking damage contains intact and
cracked reiniorcements in a matrix. To describe the load carrying capacity
of the cracked reinforcement, the average stress of a broken ellipsoidal in
homogeneity in an infinite body which was proposed in the previous paper is
introduced. An incremental constitutive relation of the composites with pr
ogressive cracking damage of the reiniorcements has been developed based on
Eshelby's equivalent inclusion method and Mori and Tanaka's mean field con
cept. This damage theory can describe not only cracking damage but also deb
onding damage of the reinforcements by modifying the load carrying capacity
of damaged reinforcements. Influence of the reinforcement damage on the st
ress-strain response and elastic stiffness of the composites is discussed.
It is noted that the full-debonding damage gives the lower limit of the str
ess-strain relation of the composite with progressive reinforcement damage.