Secondary hyperparathyroidism is a universal complication in patients with
chronic renal failure. Hyperplasia of the parathyroid glands is typically s
een in these patients. In early renal failure, alteration in vitamin metabo
lism, decreased levels of calcitriol and moderate decreases in ionized calc
ium may allow greater synthesis and secretion of PTH. As the disease progre
sses, there is a decrease in the number of vitamin D receptors (VDR) and ca
lcium receptors (CaR). The decreased number of VDR and CaR makes the parath
yroid glands more resistant to calcitriol and calcium. Phosphorus induces h
yperplasia of the parathyroid glands independent of calcium and calcitriol,
and by a post-transcriptional mechanism increases PTH synthesis and secret
ion. Experimental work in uremic rats demonstrated that if the animals are
fed a high-phosphorus diet, they not only developed secondary hyperparathyr
oidism but parathyroid cell hyperplasia. If the diet is then reduced in pho
sphorus, the levels of PTH return to normal. However, the parathyroid cell
hyperplasia persists and no apoptosis is seen. Thus, the control of the thr
ee most important factors, calcium, calcitriol and phosphorus, is critical
to prevent the development of secondary hyperparathyroidism and hyperplasia
of the parathyroid glands.