Hyaluronan is an extracellular polysaccharide found throughout the extracel
lular matrix, especially in soft connective tissue. It has an unusual featu
re, in that its turnover rate is much greater than that of other extracellu
lar matrix components. The mechanisms of its synthesis at the plasma membra
ne (by hyaluronan synthases) and lysosomal degradation (by hyaluronidases)
are well documented. However, the mechanisms by which it enters those cells
primarily involved in its degradation remain a mystery. Recent work now su
ggests that a novel scavenger receptor expressed on the surface of liver en
dothelial cells is responsible for part of this degradative process. Furthe
r study is required to fill the remaining gaps in our knowledge about this
process in other tissues. (C) 1999 Elsevier Science B.V./International Soci
ety of Matrix Biology. All rights reserved.