A modified method of thermomechanical analysis (MTMA) is developed for
the systems with viscosity ranging from 10(-3) to 10(7) Ps. The MTMA
curve is a temperature dependence of the mechanical resistance to pene
tration of a specially shaped probing rod. In order to record a thermo
mechanical curve in the heating mode, a sample is initially cooled unt
il solidification, the probing rod is brought in contact with the samp
le surface, and the probe is loaded with a force of F = 1-2 N. Then th
e sample is heated at a preset rate and F is recorded as a function of
the sample temperature T. After melting of the sample, the probe is d
riven so as to perform a back-and-forth motion and the amplitude of pe
riodically changing force F is recorded as a function of T. The MTMA c
urves are presented for solutions of polyamide-6 in phenol and formic
acid, polyoxadiazoles in sulfuric acid, and polyheteroarylenes in dime