Bloom's syndrome is a rare condition which is doubtlessly underdiagnosed. I
t is characterized by pre- and postnatal growth deficiency, cutaneous lesio
ns, a recognizable facial dysmorphism, recurrent infections and an excessiv
e risk of cancer. The pathogenetic basis is a significantly increased genom
ic instability. Bloom's syndrome is transmitted as an autosomal-recessive t
rait. The responsible gene has been identified recently. We report on a 4 y
ear old Turkish girl with Bloom's syndrome confirmed by an increased sister
chromatid exchange rate. She came to our attention because of severe growt
h deficiency, but lacked the cutaneous signs.
Discussion: Our report emphasizes that Bloom's syndrome has to be considere
d in children presenting with proportionate short stature, even in the abse
nce of the full clinical phenotype.