The SWORD surveillance scheme, now 10 years old, uses systematic reporting
from physicians to provide a picture of the incidence of occupational respi
ratory disease in the United Kingdom. An estimated total of 2966 incident c
ases was derived from reports by chest and occupational physicians during t
he 1998 calendar year. Occupational asthma continues to be the most-reporte
d respiratory condition, with an estimated 822 cases (27% of total cases).
The proportion of cases of mesothelioma (23%), benign pleural disease (21%)
pneumoconiosis (7%) and inhalation injuries (6%) remain similar to those e
stimated in past years, although fewer cases overall were reported. The mos
t commonly identified agents causing asthma in 1998 were enzymes, isocyanat
es, laboratory animals and insects, colophony and fluxes, flour, latex, and
glutaraldehyde. An increased incidence of respiratory diseases of short la
tency was seen in mining, whilst cases in chemical, mineral products and mo
tor vehicle manufacture remained high; lower rates were noted in wood produ
cts and textile manufacture when compared with 1997 figures. Inhalation acc
idents over the past 3 years were reviewed; gaseous agents and combustion p
roducts accounted for nearly half of cases. High rates for inhalation injur
ies were seen in coal miners, fuel production, motor vehicle manufacturing,
water purification, and chemical manufacturing.