While many species of animals form only social or foraging intraspecific gr
oups, a variety of taxa of marine invertebrates may further establish tissu
e unions (natural chimeras) between conspecifics. A model system is the tun
icate Botryllus schlosseri, in which histocompatibility is governed by shar
ed alleles on a single, highly polymorphic fusibility locus. Proposed benef
its that have been attributed to natural chimerism have not been confirmed
in this model system. Furthermore, laboratory studies on bichimeras. each c
onsisting of two partners, have shown that fusion is usually followed by mo
rphological elimination (resorption) of one partner. However; freely circul
ating stem cells from the "subordinate" partner in resorption may parasitiz
e the soma and germline of the "winner". Here we show that multi-partner ch
imeras form more stable and vigorous entities than bichimeras. Multi-chimer
as grow Faster, reach larger sizes, do not Fragment, reduce incidence of mo
rphological resorption and show other characteristics of more equilibrated
entities. It is proposed that in these multi-partner entities, the differen
t intraspecific conflicts alleviate each other, generating an improved enti
ty where natural selection may act on "group" level instead of on each indi
vidual genome. The state of multi-chimerism incurs, however, some costs suc
h as a one quarter reduction in the potential maximum chimerical size as co
mpared to bichimeras.