Purpose: To generate wide-field automated seamless retinal montage images.
Design: Prospective, observational, case series study.
Participants: Eighteen eyes of 14 patients were studied.
Intervention: A digital scanning laser ophthalmoscope (SLO), the Heidelberg
Retina Angiograph (HRA), was used to obtain overlapping images of the fund
us during fluorescein angiograms, indocyanine green angiograms, or monochro
matic retinal imaging using infrared or green light, Software was used to g
enerate seamless montages.
Main Outcome Measures: Ability to electronically synthesize retinal montage
s, Four laser wavelengths were used, The wide-field degrees, vertical and h
orizontal number of pixels, and diameter of the individual images were meas
Results: High-resolution (pixel size, 10 mu m), wide-field, typically 100 d
egrees to 140 degrees, digital montages of the postequatorial retina can be
generated from HRA images.
Conclusions: The software automatically and rapidly aligned the retinal blo
od vessels and synthesized a montage of the entire fundus that could then b
e overlaid on images taken at different times to illustrate change. These m
ontages will allow improved ability to understand and follow retinal diseas