Objective: To present a patient with systemic lupus erythematosus who devel
oped infarction and melting of the orbit secondary to her systemic disease,
Design: A case report.
Participant A 61-year-old white woman with a 5-year history of systemic lup
us erythematosus.
Methods: The patient presented with left orbital pain, limitation of extrao
cular movements, and a fistula from the ethmoid sinus to the upper eyelid.
A detailed examination with computerized tomography, ultrasound, and a comp
rehensive medical evaluation with laboratory testing was performed. Histopa
thologic analysis with special stains of the orbital tissues was also perfo
Results: Histopathologic examination of the biopsy specimens revealed the f
eatures of an inflammatory process involving the orbit, similar to a pannic
ulitis. These include a lymphocytic reaction with a predominance of plasma
cells, vasculitis with occlusion, and thickening of the vessel walls, necro
sis, and hyalinization of fat.
Conclusion: This is a unique case in which infarction and melting of the en
tire orbital structures occurred in the presence of systemic lupus erythema
tosus. The underlying disease process is a lupus-related panniculitis. The
authors stress that this is a very rare entity and that other diseases shou
ld be ruled out before entertaining this diagnosis.