From April 1993 to December 1997, 452 admissions of 231 children with nephr
otic syndrome to Chang Gung Children's Hospital were retrospectively review
ed. There were 10 episodes of sepsis and 8 episodes of peritonitis in 18 ch
ildren, and 14 microorganisms were cultured. Two children died due to Strep
tococcus pneumoniae sepsis. Gram-positive microorganisms (n=7) and Gram-neg
ative microorganisms (n=7) were found in equal numbers. Enterococcus (1), S
treptococcus pneumoniae (4), group D streptococcus (1), and Streptococcus v
iridans (1) were the Gram-positive microorganisms cultured. Two of 4 cases
of Streptococcus pneumoniae sepsis were penicillin resistant. Gram-negative
microorganisms included Enterobacter cloacae (1), Klebsiella pneumoniae (1
), Escherichia coli (2), Acinetobacter baumannii (1), Neisseria meningitidi
s (1), and group B salmonella (1). The last three microorganisms have not b
een previously associated with nephrotic children. Vancomycin therapy to co
ver penicillin-resistant Streptococcus pneumoniae and a third-generation ce
phalosporin therapy to cover rare Gram-negative microorganisms should be co
nsidered in serious infections of nephrotic children.