Relaxation phenomena in glasses can be related to jump processes between di
fferent minima of the potential energy in the configuration space. These tr
ansitions play a key role in the low temperature regime, giving rise to tun
nelling systems responsible for the anomalous specific heat and thermal con
ductivity in disordered solids with respect to crystals. A recently develop
ed numerical algorithm is used to study the potential energy landscape of s
ilica clusters, taking as a starting point the location of first-order sadd
le points. This makes it possible to find a great number of adjacent minima
. An analysis is made of the degree of cooperativity of these transitions a
nd the connection between physical properties and the topology of the confi
guration space. Two-level systems (pairs of minima constituting a tunnellin
g system) are identified, and the quantum mechanical ground state splitting
is calculated by means of the Wentzel-Kramers-Brillouin approximation.