A number of authors have suggested that hyperthermia, the elevation of body
temperature (T-b) 2 degrees-4 degrees C above normal, contributes to a red
uction in total evaporative water loss (TEWL) in birds. Information about t
he role of hyperthermia in the water economy of birds is scattered througho
ut the literature. We purposed to collate the available information on this
subject, to reevaluate the benefits and costs of this process, and to asse
ss its net effect on the water economy of birds, especially species living
in deserts. In this review, we first consider the current model of heat bal
ance in birds at high ambient temperatures (T-a), and show that, in most st
udies performed at a high T-a, birds were increasing their T-b, a violation
of the assumption of steady state conditions. Next, we incorporate the rat
e of heat gain into calculations of the dry heat transfer coefficient (h),
below and above temperature equality (T-a = T-b). We develop a method to ca
lculate h at T-a = T-b, using l'Hopital's rule. The combined result of our
approach suggests that birds increase their dry heat transfer even when T-a
is above T-a = T-b, contrary to our prediction. Finally, we explore aspect
s of hyperthermia that reduce water loss, such as an improved thermal gradi
ent and heat storage, and aspects that may augment water loss, the latter a
result of increased respiratory water loss when T-b is elevated. Our analy
sis of the combination of these three factors suggests that, during acute e
xposure to high T-a (1 h), birds over a size range of 10-1,000 g save about
50% of their TEWL by becoming hyperthermic. For chronic episodes of high T
-a (5 h), small birds save water by hyperthermia but large birds do not.