The acquisition of floral nectar spurs is correlated with increased species
diversity across multiple clades. We tested whether variation in nectar sp
urs influences reproductive isolation and, thus, can potentially promote sp
ecies diversity using two species of Aquilegia, Aquilegia formosa and Aquil
egia pubescens, which form narrow hybrid zones. Floral visitors strongly di
scriminated between the two species both in natural populations and at mixe
d-species arrays of individual flowers. Bees and hummingbirds visited flowe
rs of A.formosa at a much greater rate than flowers of A.pubescens. Hawkmot
hs, however, nearly exclusively visited flowers of A.pubescens. We found th
at altering the orientation of A. pubescens flowers from upright to pendent
, like the flowers of A.formosa, reduced hawkmoth Visitation by an order of
magnitude. In contrast, shortening the length of the nectar spurs of
escens flowers to a length similar to A.formosa flowers did not affect hawk
moth visitation. However, pollen removal was significantly reduced in flowe
rs with shortened nectar spurs. These data indicate that floral traits prom
ote floral isolation between these species and that specific floral traits
affect floral isolation via ethological isolation while others affect flora
l isolation via mechanical isolation.