The breakdown of the Soviet Union surprised most scholars of international
relations, comparative politics, and Soviet politics. Existing explanations
attribute the breakdown of the Soviet Union to the reformist leadership of
Gorbachev, and/or to systemic factors. These explanations do not focus on
the key contribution of the war in Afghanistan. This is surprising since ma
ny scholars view wars as key causal factors in empire breakdown and regime
change. We argue that the war in Afghanistan was a key factor, though not t
he only cause, in the breakdown of the Soviet Union. The war impacted Sovie
t politics in four reinforcing ways: (1) Perception effects. it changed the
perceptions of leaders about the efficacy of using the military to hold th
e empire together and to intervene in foreign countries; (2) Military effec
ts: it discredited the Red Army, coated cleavage between the party and the
military, and demonstrated that the Red Army was not invincible, which embo
ldened the non Russian republics to push for independence; (3) Legitimacy e
ffects. it provided non-Russians with a common cause to demand independence
since they viewed this war as a Russian war fought by non Russians against
Afghans, and (4) Participation effects. it created new forms of political
participation, started to transform the press/media before glasnost, initia
ted the first shots of glasnost, and created a significant mass of war vete
rans (Afghansti) who formed new civil organizations weakening the political
hegemony of the communist party.