This paper discusses the problem of aging with special emphasis on the caus
es and course the process follows in the nervous system. Experiments showin
g that both life-span and life expectancy can be lengthened by molecular ge
netic techniques, as well as the evolutionary meaning of aging and death ar
e discussed. Several timely questions are posed such as: What is and why do
es aging occurs? Does aging and death have any meaning from the point of vi
ew of natural selection? How does aging occur in the nervous system? The la
tter question is important because in common parlance, and even in the medi
cal environment, it is now customary to consider normal aging and neurodege
nerative diseases, such as Alzheimer, as if they were synonyms. This paper
challenges this erroneous view by establishing the objective differences be
tween these entities.
The paper also discusses the recent collapse of two established dogmas of n
eurobiology: first that neurogenesis does not exist in the adult human brai
n, and second, that normal aging results from loss of neurons. Loss of neur
ons is thought to be irreversible in the adult human brain, because dying n
eurons cannot be replaced. This inability to generate replacement cells is
thought to be an important cause of neurological disease and aging of the b
rain. This view is no longer tenable because of recent findings showing tha
t new neurons are generated from dividing progenitor cells in the adult hum
an brain. These findings are related to other investigations showing that,
contrary to the commonly held notion that widespread cortical neuronal deat
h is an inevitable concomitant of brain aging, neuron death is scarce and r
estricted in normal aging and unlikely to account for age-related impairmen
t of neocortical and hippocampal functions. The emerging view is that age-r
elated memory impairment is likely to reflect more subtle structural altera
tions and molecular changes in specific neurons and circuits that mediate s
uch functions. Both behavioral and electrophysiological studies suggest tha
t key hippocampal circuits are functionally compromised, and that these fun
ctional declines do not reflect neuronal loss.
In the final part of the paper, modern theories and facts about cellular ag
ing are reviewed and discussed. Normal human cells undergo a finite number
of cell divisions and ultimately enter a non-dividing state called replicat
ive senescence. The latter is dependent upon cumulative cell divisions and
not chronologic or metabolic time, indicating that a molecular "mitotic clo
ck" limits proliferation. It has been proposed that shortening of telomeres
(specialized structures at the ends of eukaryotic chromosomes involved in
chromosome protection, positioning and replication), is the "molecular cloc
k" that triggers senescence. Telomerase, the enzyme that synthesizes telome
res is not expressed in normal somatic cells, with the exception of ovaries
and testes. Telomerase is reactivated in cancer, where immortal cells are
likely required to maintain tumor growth. Introduction of telomerase in nor
mal somatic human cells produces extension of life-span of the transfected
cells, confirming that telomere shortening regulates the timing of cellular
senescence. Ectopic expression of human telomerase immortalizes cells with
out malignant transformation. The availability of primary human Cells with
greatly extended or immortal life-span in the absence of malignant transfor
mation will serve as valuable research tools as well as provide therapeutic
opportunities for diseases showing premature aging such as Down and Werner
syndromes and other age-related conditions.