Contemporary perspectives of achievement motivation have been based on soci
al cognitive theories which give motivational climate a central place in th
e regulation of subsequent affective states? cognitions and behaviour in ac
hievement contexts. This study examined the relationship between different
profiles of the motivational climate in teamsport and achievement, and soci
ally related cognitions among Norwegian team sport athletes. Players (N=148
) assessed their perception of the motivational climate using the Norwegian
version of the Motivational climate in sport questionnaire, sources of sat
isfaction in team sport, achievement strategies, perceived purposes of spor
t, and conceptions of ability. Multivariate analysis of variance (2x2) show
ed both main effects for profiles of the motivational climate and an intera
ction effect. Athletes perceiving the climate as high in mastery and high i
n performance oriented criteria reported psychological responses that were
more adapative than those perceiving the climate as low in mastery and high
in performance criteria. With one exception, the findings showed that thos
e high in mastery and low in performance were more likely to emphasise self
-referenced criteria when judging perceived ability in team sport. For both
social responsibility and lifetime skills as purposes in sport, it was the
high performance and low mastery athletes who were least likely to endorse
these purposes. And importantly, the high mastery climate seemed to modera
te the impact of being in a high performance climate. The pattern of findin
gs suggests that perceiving the motivational climate as performance oriente
d may not be motivationally maladaptive when accompanied by mastery oriente
d situational cues.