Stress-strain analysis of a composite tube floor in black liquor recovery b
oilers used a commercially available finite element (FE) code. The analysis
examined the stress state in an SS304L/SA210 composite tube floor at the n
ormal operating cycle of a boiler and the stresses that develop from temper
ature excursions during operation. Measurement of residual stresses from tu
be manufacturing used neutron diffraction. With the residual stresses from
assembly welding computed by finite elements, the residual stress measureme
nts were incorporated into the FE models developed for analysis of in-servi
ce conditions. Results show high compressive stresses in the overlay materi
al that exceed the yield stress at normal service conditions. They signific
antly exceed the yield stress during a temperature excursion and become ten
sile after returning to normal service conditions. A parametric study calcu
lated stresses in the floor tubes as a function of the yield stress and the
coefficient of thermal expansion of the overlay material. The analysis pro
vided a generalized solution of stresses in the composite tubes for many ov
erlay materials. Using these results, a recommendation for overlay material
s with the most suitable mechanical properties is possible.