Background. Long-term cyclosporine (CsA) treatment leads to a decreased glo
merular filtration rate, hyalinosis of afferent arterioles, and striped cor
tical tubulo-interstitial fibrosis. We showed previously that pentosan poly
sulfate (SP54) prevented the development of microvascular and interstitial
lesions in mouse models of progressive glomerulosclerosis. In this study, w
e examined the effect of pentosan polysulfate on the development of CsA nep
Methods. Pair-fed Sprague-Dawley rats were fed a low-sodium (0.03%) diet an
d received CsA (15 mg/kg, subcutaneously, in olive oil)/5% glucose, pentosa
n polysulfate (10 mg/kg, subcutaneously in 5% glucose) plus CsA, olive oil/
pentosan polysulfate, or olive oil/5% glucose for 30 days. Creatinine clear
ance (CrCl) was determined at three time points. Afferent arteriolar lesion
s, glomerular volume, and tubulo-interstitial lesions were quantitated. RNA
was extracted from cortex.
Results. Severe lesions were found in the CsA group. A reduction in the num
ber of affected arterioles (32%) and the degree of chronic tubulo-interstit
ial lesions (44%) was found in pentosan polysulfate/CsA-treated rats. A 20%
decrease in glomerular volume was found in CsA rats, but not in pentosan p
olysulfate/CsA-treated rats. Pentosan polysulfate treatment did not prevent
the CsA-induced decrease in CrCl (similar to 30%) at 4 weeks. CsA did not
affect cortical endothelial or neuronal nitric-oxide synthase or mRNA level
s, but there was small increase in neuronal nitric-oxide synthase mRNA leve
ls in the pentosan polysulfate/CsA-treated group.
Conclusions. Pentosan polysulfate reduced structural renal lesions in CsA-t
reated, salt-depleted Sprague-Dawley rats.