Few reports are available on mutations in the promoter of tumour suppressor
genes like p16, WT1 and Rb in cancers. However, the involvement of p53 pro
moter in cancers is not clearly known. Further, methylation of CPG sites is
a major contributor of mutations in several genes. So an attempt has been
made to determine the mutation and methylation status of p53 promoter in br
east tumours. Results have demonstrated absence of mutations and deletions
in p53 promoter, leading us to conclude that mutation of p53 promoter is pr
obably not a significant factor in breast tumorigenesis. Methylation analys
is has shown that the CCGG sites in the p53 promoter are unmethylated unlik
e that of its exons. Further, it has been shown that there is no change in
the methylation profile of the CCGG sites in breast tumours. However, such
studies are to be conducted in different types of tumours to define the rol
e of p53 promoter mutation and methylation in the process of tumorigenesis.
Copyright (C) 1999 S. Karger AG, Basel.