Helicobacter-like organisms are frequently observed in the stomach of dogs
but the relationship between these microorganisms and gastric pathology has
not been clearly established. Different species of helicobacters are known
to be present in the canine stomach but their specific prevalence in natur
ally infected dogs is unknown. The aims of this study were to isolate and c
haracterize helicobacters in canine gastric biopsies, to compare the common
ly used tests for the identification of Helicobacter spp. and to determine
the occurrence of these species in dogs. Twenty-three out of 25 dogs (92%)
were positive for Helicobacter-like organisms in cytological screening. Cul
ture was successful from biopsies of 5/25 dogs. The isolates were analyzed
by electron microscopy, biochemical and physiological tests, whole protein
analysis and 16S rDNA sequencing. Helicobacter felis was identified in four
samples and Helicobacter bizzozeronii in one sample. Only the whole protei
n analysis in combination with electron microscopy was able to clearly disc
riminate the two species. Compared to the high prevalence of Helicobacter-l
ike organisms, the occurrence of H. felis and H. bizzozeronii, was low (17
and 4%, respectively). No Flexispira rappini-like organisms or H, salomonis
were detected. Electron microscopy revealed that H. bizzozeronii-like micr
oorganisms were present in three additional biopsies where we were unable t
o culture any Helicobacter-like organisms. These observations indicate that
in the stomach of dogs not all helicobacters are culturable. The uncultura
ble bacteria appeared to be the prevalent ones and may represent different
spiral organisms. The presence of distinct helicobacters with different cha
racteristics can reflect different roles in the pathogenesis of canine gast
ric disease, (C) 1999 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.