Flagellin gene sequence polymorphisms were used to discrimate amongst 53 st
rains of Campylobacter jejuni and C. coli. The Campylobacter strains were m
ade up of forty- three strains of Campylobacter jejuni and 10 strains of Ca
mpylobacter coli. The results were analysed in relation to Penner serotypin
g. Twenty DNA PCR-RFLP patterns (genotypes) were identified by analysis of
Dde I fragment length polymorphisms in flagellin gene (fla A and fla B) pol
ymerase chain reaction (PCR) products. Flagellin gene 13 genotype was a fea
ture of 15% of strains, followed by flagellin gene 8 (9%). Differences in f
ragment patterns were observed not only between members of two species, but
also between individual strains of the same species. The strains that were
non-typable by the Penner serotype were distributed into 6 flagellin gene
In conclusion, Dde I fla typing is reproducible and offers high typability.
However, when the scheme is used in combination with the Penner serotype i
t provides improved discrimination for the characterizing and subtyping of