A woman's reproductive history influences her risk of breast cancer, The au
thors hypothesized that reproductive history also influences stage of disea
se at the time of diagnosis. The authors analyzed a population-based cohort
of 1.5 million Danish women born between 1935 and 1978 for whom individual
information on births was available. Between 1978 and 1994, 10,790 inciden
t cases of breast cancer in women under 60 years of age were identified. Nu
lliparous women compared with parous women and women with a late age at fir
st birth compared with an early age were at significantly increased risk of
being diagnosed with a large tumor and with cancer that had spread to regi
onal lymph nodes, However, such an association was not seen for women diagn
osed with a small tumor and women with cancer that had not spread to region
al lymph nodes. Reproductive history did not appear to influence the time i
nterval from first symptoms to first physician visit ("patient delay") or t
he time interval from first physician visit to surgery ("doctor delay"). Th
e authors conclude that reproductive history is associated both with incide
nce of breast cancer and with stage of the disease at diagnosis, indicating
possible influences on-tumor progression and growth rate. Intensified awar
eness is warranted to achieve earlier diagnosis among nulliparous women and
women with a late age at first childbirth, with the hope of improving thei
r prognosis.