Despite a great deal of information about the risk factors, prognostic vari
ables, and hospital mortality in the acute respiratory distress syndrome (A
RDS), very little is known about the long-term outcomes of patients with th
is syndrome. We conducted a prospective, matched, parallel cohort study wit
h the goals of describing the survival of patients with ARDS after hospital
discharge and comparing the long-term survival of patients with ARDS and t
hat of a group of matched controls. The study involved 127 patients with AR
DS associated with trauma or sepsis and 127 controls matched for risk facto
r (trauma or sepsis) and severity of illness who survived to hospital disch
arge. Time until death was used as the outcome measure. Survival was associ
ated with age, risk factor for ARDS, and comorbidity. There was no differen
ce in the long-term mortality rate for ARDS patients and that of matched co
ntrols (hazard ratio for ARDS: 1.00; 95% confidence interval: 0.47 to 2.09)
after controlling for age, risk factor for ARDS, comorbidity, and severity
of illness. We conclude that if sepsis or trauma patients survive to hospi
tal discharge, ARDS does not increase their risk of subsequent death. Older
patients, patients with sepsis, and patients with comorbidities, regardles
s of the presence of ARDS, have a higher risk of death after hospital disch
arge. For the purposes of clinical prognosis and cost-effectiveness analysi
s, the long-term survival of patients with ARDS can be modeled on the basis
of age, underlying risk factor for ARDS, and comorbidity.