In the postoperative diffuse bleeding scenario any therapeutic effort is ba
sed on the assumption that there is no surgical means to stop bleeding. The
diagnosis of the underlying mechanism differentiates a static from a dynam
ic haemostatic disorder. Whereas the static coagulation disorder is charact
erised by a decreased procoagulant and inhibitory coagulation potential whi
ch is stable (most likely :dilution), the dynamic haemostatic disorder refl
ects ongoing consumption of both coagulation factors and inhibitors due to
blood loss or permanent activation. Global coagulation variables such as th
e prothrombin time, the activated partial thromboplastin time, fibrinogen c
oncentration, platelet count, and antithrombin (AT) activity may indicate w
hether there is an increased turnover (progressive deterioration of all var
iables) or not. In order to avoid further deterioration of a static coagula
tion disorder when the patient is bleeding diffusely; fresh frozen plasma (
FFP) should ideally be used to maintain plasmatic coagulation activity duri
ng red cell transfusion therapy Increased turnover, however, should primari
ly be treated by coagulation inhibitor concentrates such as AT III, in part
icular prior to administration, of coagulation factor (platelets, prothromb
in complex, fibrinogen).