Ml. Campey et al., Re-evaluating species boundaries among members of the Posidonia ostenfeldii species complex (Posidoniaceae) - morphological and genetic variation, AQUATIC BOT, 66(1), 2000, pp. 41-56
A taxonomic re-examination of the Posidonia ostenfeldii complex was underta
ken based on field collections in Western Australia. Broad and narrow leave
s of seagrass of the Posidonia complex from Success Bank were compared to P
. kirkmanii, P. coriacea, P. robertsoniae and P. denhartogii, identified ba
sed on their distribution as described by Kuo and Cambridge (1984). The bro
ad and narrow leaf varieties of Posidonia on Success Bank were unable to be
identified to species due to the overlap of character ranges between group
s. Multivariate analysis of 10 vegetative characters examined indicated a c
ontinuous variation of character traits within the complex, suggesting the
existence of a morphological continuum. Genetic variation was also examined
using starch gel electrophoresis, restricted to Success Bank and Marmion p
opulations. No allozyme polymorphism was observed among all the samples tes
ted across both populations and varying leaf widths. All loci were monomorp
hic and homozygous. This study implies that the key of vegetative morpholog
ical characters, upon which five species of the P. ostenfeldii complex was
erected, was not effective for the identification to species of multiple sa
mples from any one location. Presently there is no justification for suppor
ting Posidonia coriacea and Posidonia robertsoniae as separate species and
it is further recommended that the whole group be reanalysed. (C)2000 Elsev
ier Science B.V. All rights reserved.