Genetically based natural resistance to brucellosis provides an innovative
strategy to reduce this major zoonotic disease of cattle. Even though the n
urturing environment influences variability in disease expression, natural
resistance was found to be heritable and stably passed from parent to offsp
ring. The bovine NRAMP1 gene was found to be one of the major candidate gen
es involved the intracellular control of Salmonella dublin, Mycobacterium b
ovis (BCC) and Brucella abortus in in vitro macrophage studies. In this mod
el, the bovine NRAMP1 gene, the bovine homologue of a murine gene (Bcg) con
trolling natural resistance to antigenically and taxonomically unrelated pa
rasites, was identified to be influencing the in vivo resistant phenotype.
Resistance-and susceptibility-associated alleles of bovine NRAMP1 were expr
essed as transgenes under the regulatory control of the bovine NRAMP1 promo
ter in a murine macrophage cell line (Bcg(3)). The 5' flanking region of bo
vine NRAMP1, despite the lack of TATE and CAAT boxes, was found to have a f
unctional promoter capable of driving the expression of a transgene in muri
ne macrophages. A polymorphism within a microsatellite in the 3' UTR of bov
ine NRAMP1 was found to critically affect the expression of the gene and th
e capacity of transfected macrophages to control the in vitro replication o
f Brucella but not Salmonella. Although genetic resistance to bacterial dis
eases is often regulated by multiple genes controlling different processes
of the host-pathogen interaction, the genetics of natural resistance is bei
ng increasingly unraveled by identification and characterization of candida
te genes, microsatellite markers, and comparative gene mapping to develop m
ore practical methods of application.