Hyper-homocysteinaemia is a cardiovascular risk factor. In parallel, anatom
opathological studies of post-angioplasty coronary restenosis show histolog
ical appearances similar to those observed in patients with severe hyper-ho
mocysteinaemia. Based on these histological observations, the authors tried
to assess the predictive value of raised plasma homocysteine levels for co
ronary restenosis after angioplasty.
Two hundred and twenty-two patients treated by coronary angioplasty were fo
llowed up clinically for 6 months. Thallium 201 myocardial scintigraphy was
performed in 179 patients and coronary angiography in 74 patients. Seventy
-nine patients had coronary restenosis diagnosed by coronary angiography in
SS cases, by myocardial scintigraphy in 23 cases and strongly suspected cl
inically in only one patient. No significant differences in homocysteine le
vels were observed between patients with multiple restenosis or requiring r
evascularisation, and those without restenosis and not requiring revascular
Plasma homocysteine does not therefore seem to be a predictive factor of po
stangioplasty coronary restenosis.