Conventional anaerobic digesters treating municipal sewage usually fun
ction with a hydraulic retention time of 30 to 60 d and at a total sol
ids (TS) concentration of 1.5 to 3% (m/v). A cross-flow microfiltratio
n unit was constructed at Northern Waste Water Treatment Works, Durban
to concentrate sludge from a conventional anaerobic digestor and to f
acilitate operation with a higher solids concentration. Semi-continuou
s digesters were, therefore, operated with a 30 d retention time and a
t an optimum temperature to investigate the efficacy of digesters supp
lied with concentration digested sludge. The results showed hat the ra
te of gas production from a digester supplied with a 3.8% (m/v) TS was
higher than the control (2% (m/v) TS) and a digester supplied with 3%
(m/v) TS. Increased total solids concentrations (4.7% (m/v)), however
, effected slightly lower gas production rates that the digester with
3.8% (m/v) TS. The volatile solids concentrations of all four digester
s were similar, indicating neither favourable nor unfavourable effects
from increased solids concentrations. The digesters operated at total
solids concentrations 3.8% (m/v) TS produced higher concentrations of
volatile acids than the control. The alkalinity concentrations (ca. 4
000 mg . l(-1)) were similar for all four digesters.