Dr. Strong et al., Model selection for a subterranean trophic cascade: Root-feeding caterpillars and entomopathogenic nematodes, ECOLOGY, 80(8), 1999, pp. 2750-2761
Conjecture abounds while evidence is limited concerning indirect protection
afforded plants by carnivorous predators in terrestrial ecosystems, apropo
s of the Hairston-Smith-Slobodkin (HSS) hypothesis. We conducted a field ex
periment with a suspected trophic cascade. Could an entomopathogenic nemato
de protect bush lupine by killing root-feeding ghost moth caterpillars? The
experiment measured survival of lupine seedlings as a function of density
of hatchling ghost moth caterpillars in rhizospheres with or without the en
tomopathogenic nematode.
We modeled lupine survival with a hierarchical family of "one-hit dose resp
onse" models to interpret the results of the experiment. We obtained maximu
m likelihood estimates of parameters and selected the best-fitting model us
ing the Schwarz Information Criterion (SIC). The best model fit the data cl
osely, and SIC model selection was consistent with classical likelihood rat
io test results of models nested in the one-hit family. A parallel analysis
performed upon a logistic family of models yielded results of poorer fit b
ut largely consistent with results of the one-hit analysis. Finally, we com
pared our model-centered approach with the conventional methods-centered ap
proach of logistic regression in statistical packages. While these packages
give correct calculations, the implications of hypothesis tests are ecolog
ically obscure in the absence of the explicit representation of models and
their hierarchical relationships. For understanding ecological data, buildi
ng an explicit statistical model of the process and testing parameters can
be more: informative than accepting the implicit model and testing variable
s in canned statistical packages.
The ecological implications were that seedling survival decreased exponenti
ally with increasing densities of root-feeding caterpillars, and the entomo
pathogenic nematode virtually canceled the negative effect: of this herbivo
re upon seedling survival. However, the significance to the broader communi
ty of this trophic cascade remains to be demonstrated. This cascade is a mo
dule or vignette within the greater food web, and additional interactions a
ffect its influence: intraguild predation by nematode predators, apparent c
ompetition from other herbivores of lupine (each with its own natural enemi
es), and even more complicated interactions through competing plant species
all come into play. As well, genetic variation of both the lupine and ghos
t moth caterpillars affects these interactions. Evidence does not support t
he inference that protection from ghost moth caterpillars by the entomopath
ogenic nematode is key to the "green" world of bush lupine.