According to theory, F-2 hybrid breakdown (lethality or sterility) is due t
o incompatibilities between interacting genes of the different species (i.e
., the breaking up of coadapted gene complexes). Detection of such incompat
ibilities is particularly straightforward in haplodiploid species, because
virgin F-1 hybrid females will produce haploid recombinant F-2 males. This
feature allows for screening of the complete genome for recessive genetic i
ncompatibilities. Crosses were performed between Nasonia vitripennis (v) an
d its sibling species N. giraulti (g). First, a linkage map was produced us
ing RAPD markers. RAPD markers showed an overall bias toward vitripennis al
leles, a pattern not predicted by the basic two-interactor Dobzhansky-Mulle
r model. Recovery patterns of visible markers were consistent with those of
linked RAPD markers. If particular genetic interactions between two loci a
re causing hybrid lethality, then those genotypes should be underrepresente
d or absent among adult F-2 males. Four sets of significant incompatibiliti
es were detected by performing pairwise comparisons of markers on different
chromosomes. Likely explanations for the observed patterns are maternal ef
fect-zygotic gene incompatibilities or clustering of incompatibility loci.
Due to the short generation time, advantages of haplodiploidy, and availabi
lity of markers, Nasonia promises to be a productive system for investigati
ng the genetics of hybrid inviability.